Wednesday, March 22, 2006


A dictionary of terms and unique words used and known by the average Sabahan - a Malaysian State located in the northern island of Borneo. Postings are encouraged for adding new words to built up the dictionary ~ just click on the COMMENTS below.

Words/Slang/Bahasa Baku - English/Malay Translation/(Origin)

ah? - question, What?, apa?
alun-alun - road, jalan raya
ampai-ampai - clearly laid thereabout, terletak degan nyata sekali i.e. "Ampai-ampai itu kunci atas meja pun kau tidak nampak?"
andang-andang - that's how it is, it's like that, sememangnya begitu
anu - expression ~ searching for words. i.e. similar to Tun Mahathir's "Apa nama..", sama seperti Tun Mahathir "Apa nama.."
antam - banged, hentam, pukul, gasak, keroyok
api api - downtown kota kinabalu, nama asal pekan Kota Kinabalu
ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. hayun
ba - ok, yes, ya
bahai - plastic bag commonly used term in Sandakan, beg plastik (Filipino)
bakakuk - Home made shot gun, senapang patah buatan sendiri
balabak - scrotum, biji
balusil - run, lari
basar - big, huge, besar
basing - squirrel, tupai
bida - ugly, hodoh, jelek
bikin - to do, make, buat, lakukan
bilang - said, kata
bini-bini - women folks, kaum wanita (Brunei)
bobot - vagina
bubut - to give chase, kejar
buduh - stupid, bodoh
celana/salana - pants, seluar
doi dogo! - My goodness!, Oh my!, alamak !
dorang/diurang - them, they, Diurang pigi tamu bah
endak - no, tidak i.e Aku endak mau.- I don't want.
gali, gali-gali, gilik - squeemish about something, geli
gedo'ot - glutton, rakus, gelojoh
- expression "is it?", ya?
ging - derived from the word gang.. means member or associates, kawan, sahabat-andai
gipit - to grip, kepit
giuk - worm, ulat
hari ampat - Thursday, khamis
hari anam - Saturday, sabtu
hari dua - Tuesday, selasa
hari lima - Friday, jumaat
hari satu - Monday, isnin
hari tiga - Wednesday, rabu
indak/tia - not, no, tidak, tiada
kabaruan - new to something, kebaruan
kalatiak - armpit, ketiak
kaling - indian, keling
kalon/kalan - electricity, karan
kamarin - yesterday, semalam, kelmarin
kana - got ie got thrown, kena, terkena
kanapa - why, mengapa, kenapa
kanapatan/kadapatan - caught red handed, kantul, kantoi
kapayas/tapayas - papaya, buah betek
karang - later, after, nanti kemudian, selepas ini
karing - dry, kering
katawa - laugh, laughing, ketawa
kebangkalan - choked while eating, tersedak
kebilangan - popular, famous, terkenal, mahsyur,
ketulahan - bad karma, ketulahan (Malay)
kici/kicil - small, kecil
klappa - coconut, kelapa
kogutan - hangover, keadaan keesokan hari selepas mabuk
kotoh - means as same like sabakā€¦ told you.., padan muka
Kula - Coke or Coca-cola
kumpik - plastic bag commonly used term in Tawau, beg plastik (Indon)
lakas - faster, lekas, cepat
lanjang - pots/pans, periuk belanga
leminit - lemonade, carbonated drinks, minuman berkabonat
limpang - to lie down, baring
mangkali - maybe, perhaps, barangkali
muhau - crazy, tak siuman
ngam ngam - exact, on time, kebetulan, cukup
numbur - number, nombor
padih - My eyes stings/ painful, pedih
palis palis - touch wood, sama seperti simpang malaikat 44..
palui - stupid, duh!, bodoh
panat - tired, penat, letih
pantat - buttock, backside, bontot, punggong
putung - cut, slice, potong
saana - pointing at a location (there), number of 'a' determines distance I.e. "saaaaaana" is further than "saana"
sabak - means I TOLD U.. Padan muka
sakai - ignorant, uncivilized, "hoosier", tidak bertamddun
sandi - extremely painful, senak, kesakitan yang amat sangat, kiasan seperti sindiran tajam. 'Sandi juga kena antam sama boss..!'
santut - Underwear, seluar dalam
sapak - mix in cooking, capur gaul dalam memasak
seluar katak - underwear, seluar dalam
Sepuluh Tiga - (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of smuggled beer, Sapuluh tiga (RM10 untuk 3 tin beer seludup)
sia - me, saya
sikijap - soon / in a short while / later, sekejap
sikui - watermelon, tembikai
siok - expression/description, enjoyable, great, seronok
siorang - we, us, kami, saya dan orang orang saya
siring siring - side/on the side, di tepian, tepi
sogit - fine, pay damages in the form of cattle or pig, denda, hukuman dgn bayaran binatang ternakan seperti babi atau lembu
sot - shorted, crazy, kepala tak betul, gila-gila
taiih - shit/ feaces/or just a curse word, taiklah!
takajut/takazut - shocked, startled, terkejut
takana/tekuis - hit, terkena
talak - rice wine, local alhoholic brew, arak, minuman keras
talur - egg, telur (kadazandusun)
talampau - extreme, too much, terlampau, keterlaluan
tambirang - No being himself as in acting what he is not. berlagak, eksyen
tamu - Malay word "temu" or meet referring to weekly open air market an occassion to meet with other folks, pasar terbuka mingguan
tapuk - to hide, sorok
taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired
telor ('te' as in 'tay') - egg, telur (Indon)
thai lingong - worse than stupid, bebal
tinguk - to look, tengok, lihat
tongo/bongok - stupid, bodoh, bahalul
tontolou - Mr. Willie, konek
tullul - egg, telur (Bisayak, Filipino)
tunu - burn, ignite, bakar,cucuh
tuuna - pointing at a direction (that), itu nah
uinnaaa! - used to express various feelings, mostly when surprised (Filipino), Waah!
umban - throw, humban, baling
urang - people, Old people used to say.. Urang tua tua bilang...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

klapa - coconut, kelapa

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

basing - squirrel, tupai

John G.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gedo'ot - glutton, rakus, gelojoh

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ampai-ampai - menunjukkan letaknya sesuatu benda atau kedudukan sesaorang.

tunu - bakar, burn

kebilangan - terkenal, mahsyur, popular famous

leminit - minuman bergas, any soft drinks

sandi - kesakitan yang amat sangat, extremely painful. Juga diguna dalam bentuk kiasan seperti sindiran tajam.'Sandi juga kena antam sama boss..!'

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you forgot "kurang asam".. Which means screw you.

2:17 AM  
Blogger dizzyFUNctional said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:36 PM  
Blogger dizzyFUNctional said... got a complete one:)
i did something similar before someone introduced me to yours. I LIKE!

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the meaning of babatz?

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Limpas - to pass by, tumpang lalu

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemak atau perut

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Astaga - OMG !

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how to say sexy in sabah?

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kalau arak?itu sabah ka atau sumandak lol

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punya bebeh

9:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Apa maksud kw ni

8:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How to say "saya dari"...

4:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

how do you say watermelon?

12:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...!

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is entom2?

9:52 PM  
Blogger Kimi said...

What is ainajo

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maksud kiangug aun?

10:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ainajo means?

4:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Otukankn maksudnya??

11:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Otukanon maksudnya???

11:23 PM  
Blogger Kumar Nadarajan @ Kumar Singh said...

What "PUSUY" means guys?

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sth like WTF, What the hell / what the heck

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ranka - greedy

7:21 AM  
Blogger ash said...


6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does gia mean?

7:56 AM  

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